August the 10th
Holiday on the peninsula Darß! A landscape photographers dream... Even though the mosquitos swarming out in masses from the swamps of one of Germany's last untouched forests gave me a really hard time ... Enjoy my best of selection!
March the 4th
The first holidays in 2024 led my family and me to Finish Lappland. We wanted to have a true winter holiday experience with snowshoeing, snowboarding, husky sledding, skiing ... and of course winter landscape photography. And believe me: We got all of it! Arriving at Iso Syöte Finland let us know what winter really means with -30 °C at night and still freezing -20 °C during the day. At these temperatures landscape photography becomes a real challenge. Handling of the equipmemt needs to be reduced to a minimum to prevent your fingers from getting completely numb (even with 2 pairs of gloves on). I even got a frostbite on my nose tip, because it was touching the camera when looking through the viewfinder. But conditions are well worth the challenge. I have never seen so many different amazing light-conditions in such a short period of time. From steel blue, over most saturated pink to pure gold. Finland light in winter has it all!
December the 24th
I did not plan to shoot Lake Louise, since every travellers guide is telling you that this is a beautiful location, but the tourist crowds are turning it into a crazy place. But as our "before trekking hotel" was really close by, I decided to give it a chance very early in the morning. And guess what: tourist crowds are arriving alreday in the dark! The place was already overfull. Nevertheless I found a spot on the shore to put up my tripod and waited for the sunrise. The morning was very cloudy and thick fog was wafting over the lake. I composed a typical scene with large rocks in the foreground and the mountains in the back. But then, when another cloud of fog was crossing the lake a different very subtile scene hit me. I knew that I had to be very quick to catch it. So I just took the camera from the tripod and shot it handheld. One of my favorites of the complete trip!
Merry Christmas to everybody!
December the 23rd
Another sunrise from our Tonquin Valley trekking tour. If I could paint, and if I would be asked to create a typical picture of the rocky mountains, it would probably look like this one. A bit of mist, a streaming river, leading the eyes into the woods and a rough mountainscape in the background and all of this at spot far from civilization and all on my own.
December the 21th
This is our "going to bed" view when we camped on a lonely island at the Johnston Strait to do sea-kayaking and orca watching. The place was incredibly nice with the rock reaching into the sea and being the perfect platform for whale, sunrise and sunset watching. Over 4 days in a row I took dozens of nice pictures with exactly this view. But this one with the moon is my absolute favorite one.
December the 20th
We were driving along the icefield parkway. When I saw the glaciers in the distance and the very cloudy sky, I knew that these were the perfect conditions for a dramatic shot. So I was eagerly waitign for the next possibility to pull over and jump out of the car. As we arrived at the next parkign lot, conditions had become even more dramatic. I quickly build up the tripod, set the frame and then had nothing else to do then wait for the right moment ... And here it is.
December the 18th
This is one of those pictures that motivates me again and again to also go out and shoot locally, even though the landscape around my home is far from being recommended for its natural surroundings. But especially with trees there is always beauty to be found, explored and photographed. This scene attracted me because of the very nice and contrasty separation of the white birch tree, with only single leaves left at the branches, and the nicely colored autumn forest in the background.
December the 17th
This is a picture from Glencoe Valley in Scotland again. I accidently found this spot. The location is very famous at landscape photographers, mostly because of the perfect triangular mountain in the background. Even though the mountain was almost completely covered by clouds, I found the scene very attractive to shoot.
December the 16th
Another picture from our Tonquin Valley trekking tour. I was already on my way back from the morning shoot to the camp site. And then the morning sun touched the snowfields of this massive rock wall. I built up the tripod again and decided to go for a long lens, only shooting a fraction of the wall with a line of trees in the foreground. This way I felt the enormous size of the wall and the feeling of being so small as person was represented the best.
December the 14th
A very classic view of the Three Sisters at Glencoe valley. We were blessed with amazing colors, clouds and light. The whole scene is unbelievably majestic. I think this impression is even increased by my wife (the orange dot at the bottom) who puts the scene into scale. Since we already had done a hiking tour that day, our kids decided to leave that view up to us and waited in the car :-) "You missed it!" I I do not think they care :-)
December the 12th
Sand dunes in Canada? Yes, there are! This one I photographed at a day full of smoke from wild fires. Everything was dipped into a yellow smoky light, which was enhancing the dreamy atmosphere of dunes quite a bit and gave them an almost artificial feeling.
December the 10th
Peak autumn very close to my hometown, a bit of luck with the light and a long lens, that was all it needed...
December the 9th
Here are two pictures from the world famous Iceline Trail. And as always: there is a reason why trails get famous! This one is just incredible. But for my family and me it started quite miserable. Rain, rain and more rain. But at the end of the first day just when we arrived at the campsite, it started to clear up and so did everybody's mood. But overnight it got freezing cold and next morning it started even snowing. This wheather that made the tour quite challenging delivered unbelievable shooting conditions. Mountain tips covered with fresh snow. Moody clouds with a bit of sunshine breaking through. What else can you wish for?!
December the 7th
This was definitely the nicest hike during our Scotland trip! Nice wheather and freezing cold. 100 meter below the top I had to come up with my best convincing skills to argue my family to come with me all the way up. And, what can I say, it was worth it! What a view! Even though we could not enjoy it for too long ...
December the 6th
Hard work! I guess this is the one photograph from our Canada trip that I was working on the hardest, by far! Conditions were awesome: early morning light, bit of mist, nobody around. But I think all photographers know that struggle when composing woodland pics. It's so hard to bring structure in the chaos and maintain depth. This picture took me about an hour, stumbling around with my tripod, looking for a way to bring the feeling of the scene into the 2D world. I think it was worth the effort :-)
December the 5th
Sorry! Missed out December the 4th. Just to busy... So I´m coming up with 2 pictures today: They are taken in different countries, different landscapes, different seasons, different time of day and yet they have a very similar feeling to it. Surprisingly to me, when I took the second picture in Canada this summer, the other one, taken several months before in Scotland, came to my mind immediately. Best proof that landscape photography helps you to see your surroundings much more intense and burns the scenes into your mind :-)
December the 3rd
This is a little scene in the moor very close to my parents' place. I was wandering around the whole morning in beautiful autumn conditions. What I had in mind to take a picture of was something completely different. But I simply did not manage to find a composition that reflected the moor very well. On my way back to the car it started to rain very heavily and I was already soaking wet, when these four guys at the edge of the forest hit my attention ...
December the 2nd
My 2nd pictures in this series is from our summer trip to British Columbia. We did three amazing backpacking tours over there. And one of them was the world famous Tonquin Valley trail. What can I say, simply breathtaking. We did apply already in early February to get reservations for the backcountry campsites. Because their availability is melting like snow in sunshine. And then, being on the trail, it felt like we hade the whole beauty of the Rocky Mountains all on our own. And this feeling is getting even stronger if you get up hours befor everybody else does and dive into this scenery...
December the 1st
This picture I have chosen as the new "frontliner" for my website. Even though the scene is shot to death... There is a reason to this. And if you are there in the magical valley of Glencoe, looking for something special to shoot, I promise you, you will not hesitate to photograph this one. It feels so mystic and appealing... I love this shot so much, because when I look at it, it delivers exactly the atmosphere that I felt at the spot when shooting. And this is what you are working for so hard as a landscape photographer and what is so difficult to achieve ...
November the 30th
Tomorrow I will start my  advents photography series! Excited to showcase what I have shot in 2023! Great places. Great experiences. Great photography. And as small appetizer: "ontopof" was selected by Lee Anne White for the online gallery in the Botanical exhibition @ PhotoPlace[GALLERY]. Proud to be selected again! This picture I took not far from my hometown on a foggy golden autumn morning. I took about 10 minutes to compose the scene. Only 1 minute later everything disappeared in thick fog ...
December the 24th
I am closing my 2022 advents series  with 2 very different pictures at very different locations.
The first one is from our Lofoton trip taken around 1 o'clock in the morning after a strenuous 1 h uphill hike. When I got there I had something completely different in mind for the shoot. And at first I was somewhat dissappointed. But then I opened my mind and realized the potential of shooting almost directly into the sun and came up with my personal favorite of the trip.
The 2nd one is from the Soca valley. I was returning from a river photo shoot when this tree at the side of the street caught my attention. I stopped the car at a small parking lot just in front of the tree and started to compose. I ended up that the best position for my camera was right at the middle of the street. Fortunately only very little traffic in the Soca valley at this time of the year ...
December the 23rd
A beautiful side stream o fthe Soca river ...
December the 22nd
If you visit the Lofoten islands, photographer or not, you hardly get away without taking this picture. And even the scene is shot to death, once you are there, you are overwhelmed by the beauty of this spot.
December the 21st
When you hike the very northern part of Kungsleden, sometimes it looks (and feels) as if you were in the highlands of Iceland.
December the 20th
At our last visit in the wonderful Spreewald I was first kind of disappointed, since peak autumn had been already over. But this picture shows that there is autumn-beauty even beyond that. You just have to find it!
December the 19th
Midnight sun at Senja island. I had nothing elso to do than stepping out of our wonderful beach side appartment onto the terrace and waiting for the things to happen.
December the 18th
Another one of our autumn trip to the Soca valley. For a whole week the Soca was presenting herself with her typical and almost artificial blue and turquoise colors. But at our last day it rained heavily for hours. This changed everything! The stream as well as its surroundings turned into a dirty golden and very wild mood.
December the 17th
In November you have these days when the fog is thick and stays around for hours. It feels like 90% of the these days are working days though. But when they fall on a weekend I'm out in the field and enjoy the chance of slow photography: no rush to compose since the conditions and light do not change. What a joy!
December the 16th
Really nothing "special" about this one. Just a great Lofoten hike with a great view. Perfect for a great panoramic shot.
December the 13th
Fun fact 1 about this pic: We did a 3  hour hiking tour looking for larches with nice golden colors without any success (all trees we saw had lost their leaves already). When we returned to the parking lot, just a 100 m down the hill all larches showed their perfect autumn dress ...
Fun fact 2 about this pic: When I composed this picture with my tele-lens a couple was stepping by and asking me if I know where to find the famous face in the wall. I told them truthfully that I have no clue and had not even heard about that. Only when I returned home and started to postprocess this pic I realized, that I was photographing exactly the face that they were asking me for. Can you see it?
December the 12th
When taking this picture on a fabulous misty autumn morning in the fields very close to my home, I felt like actually whitnessing weather formation....
December the 11th
This is a picture taken on our first day hiking tour on the Lofoten Islands. A remote beach only accessable by foot. We were the only people there! What a dream! It took me almost an hour to compose this one and wait for the light to create some spots at the mountains in the back. And in addition I had to recompose every so often since the waves coming in making my tripod sink and tilt.
December the 10th
It is quite a difficult thing to shoot from a suspension bridge under low light conditions. I was trying dozens of different things. Finally I ended up using my tripod, standing absolutely still for more than a minute, pressing the shutter with a 10 second timer, stop breathing, praying that there will be no other hiker turning around the corner stepping onto the bridge... It worked out and was absolutely worth the effort! And I got one of my best pics from our Soca valley trip.
December the 9th
Probably the most representive picture of our Kungsleden trekking tour (at least for the nice wheather days!)
December the 8th
I was looking for golden larches in the Soca valley. And then I found this one. At first I was very disappointed, because the tree was standing at a very steep abyss and there was no way finding a composition with the sun in my back. But then I realized that the light was gloriously diffuse and the backlit larch  just made up for an awesome fairy tale pic!
December the 6th
To ski or not to ski (or snowboard). That was the difficult decision I had to make. And fortunately I decided to put my winter hiking boots on and hike up to the mountains in virgin freshly fallen snow. It was still snowing heavily. But when I arrived at my destination, a small lake, the sun was slightly breaking through the clouds. Luckily I rushed myself finding a composition, setting up the tripod and taking the shot, since only moments afterwards the sun disappeared again.
December the 5th
Even at one one of the most iconic & most shooten places in the world, the cities of Hamnoy and Reine at the very south western tip of the Lofoten islands, it is not impossible to find "your own" composition. Around 2 o´clock in the morning I had the streets all on my own and could look for a scene that I had not seen on any picture so far and was still catching my interest. This is the result.
December the 4th
There is a 25 km long trail alongside one of the last wild rivers in Europe: The Soca. And I tell you, every single meter of that is beautiful. Especially in autumn. This is one of my favorites since it shows two very typical things of the soca valley. First the red beech trees with their lovely dirty dark red autumn colour. Second the almost artificial appearance of the turquoise water of the Soca. But to see the combination  of the two in a single composition is a rare thing ...
December the 3rd
What is even nicer than freshly fallen autumn leaves? Rotted leaves!
December the 2nd
Every landscape photgraphers dream comes true when visiting the Lofoten islands of Norway! And so it did for me this spring. I was thoroughly planning a midnight hike to an outlook at the very nice Hauklandstranda to phtograph the midnight sun. But after a steep 1 h climb I found myself in thick clouds and zero visibility. I returend down to the beach at 2 o'clock in the morning. And then this compostion  with its lovely pastell tones hit me. A totally other outcome then planned and expected. And it would have been even there without any hiking efforts :-)
December the 1st
Here we go again: My virtual landscape photography advent calendar 2022. I will share my personal favorites of 2022 with the stories on how I created them. Enjoy!
The 1st picture is from our family trekking tour at the norther Kungsleden. Heavy wheather was forcing us to have a restign day at the hut. When we got up the next morning preparing ourselfs for the next 16 km hike, the tips of the mountains were sugered with fresh snow and the sunlight was breaking through the clouds creating this wonderful spotlights on the mountains. Whenever I look at this photograph I feel flashbacked into this wonderfull scene.
Iceland Portfolio 19
With this very abstract intimate I am closing my iceland seires. At least until our next travel to iceland, which we will do for sure! Hope you have enjoyed the series as much as I did.
Iceland Portfolio 18
Night walk at famous Kerlingafjöll. At 10:00 pm you have this magical place all on your own!
Iceland Portfolio 17
This was the most incredible sunset of our iceland trip. And we almost missed it! We were sitting in our camper playing Uno with the kids because it was raining heavily. Suddenly my daugther was screaming "Papa look!!!" - It only took me 3 minutes to grab the camera, put it on the tripod, run outside, looking for a nice foreground, composing and pushing the button. Done! And then we did nothing else but enjoying the scenery ....
Iceland Portfolio 16
Colorflashed by a crater lake.
Iceland Portfolio 15
This one is one of my favorites of our whole iceland trip. The reason is that it feels so unreal. A river running into a moon like desert not inducing any kind of vegatation growth and then suddenly disappearing into the dust. At the same time it is so picturesque with the ligth spotting on the cold stream and enlightening the smooth brown and grey hills....
Iceland Portfolio 14
Sunlight spots on Moria.
Iceland Portfolio 13
Birthday with a view 2. This is another shot from our great hike at Langisjor. This time with the magical blue of Langisjor as the star of the show itself :-).
Iceland Portfolio 12
Birthday with a view. We were at lake Langisjor and originally wanted to do a hike at the lake shore. When we arrived at the lake we needed to change plan because of swarms of flies at the lake. Our alternative plan lead us up to one of the most greates view points I have ever visited. And this is my favorite picture from the hike because it represents the feeling of the rougedness of the landscape  so well...
Iceland Portfolio 11

An Iceland intimate.
Iceland Portfolio 10
I was absolutely overwhelmed when driving the Laki crater circle during the day. So I decided to drop the family at the camp ground and return for a sunset shoot in hope for nice light conditions. And this is what I got ... besides being 100% on my own not disturbed by a single human being for hours. Landscape photographers dream!
Iceland Portfolio 9
Same day, same location, just a few hundred meteres further down the road. It just hit me how well the clouds complemented the hills and the beautiful structure of the green mosses. Shot turned out so nice!
Iceland Portfolio 8
We had an amazing day driving the highland circle of Laki craters. I had some difficulties to capture the beauty of the landscape because sky was blue and light hard. But then I spotted this abstract pattern of hills that perfectly profited from the conditions. The scene to me comprises perfectly what the landscape is all about: smooth hills, 1000 shades of brown interrupted by 1000 shades of green ...
Iceland Portfolio 7
I knew that I will have only one evening to photograph Vestrahorn on our trip. The light conditions were beautiful and so was the stormy sky. The only petty was that the wind was blowing haevily making it very difficult to kee keep the tripod stable. I had to give up on my favorite composition with the green sand grass in the forground of Vestrahorn. I was already on my way back to the camper when I noticed these deeply black islands that had been created by the tides. And the strong wind conjured a very nice movement on the flat water. Lessons learned: It is never over until ist over.
Iceland Portfolio 6
We were on our way to  Vestrahorn. When we got first sight on the famous mountain the scenery suprisingly was complemented by hundreds of swans. This is my favorite shot (out of the appr. 100 pics  I took being totally flashed by this natural spectacle).
Iceland Portfolio 5
It felt like being on Mars. And the wheather painted beautiful spotlights on the landscape. I was stopping the car every 100 m, because I saw another composition. But this one with the very smooth hills and fore- and background separated by a deep ditch is my clear favorite.
Iceland Portfolio 4
Land of skies. Nothing to add.
Iceland Portfolio 3
3rd picture from my Iceland series and the first highlands impression. I still remember that I was absolutely stunned by the mars like landscape and the moody atmosphere. Landscape photographers dreams come true. And this even only after 10 minutes from leaving highway 1 into the highlands. More to come ...
Iceland Portfolio 2
2nd picture from my Iceland series. A night walk through the geothermal fields near lake Myvatn. After 10pm I had the the area, that is usually crowded by tourists during the day, all on my own. And besides the terrible smell photographing this unreal location was  pure joy!
Iceland Portfolio 1
1st picture from my Iceland series! Taken in the whale watching Mekka of Husavik. Still excited when thinking back to these gentle giants. The very hazy air made beautiful light conditions in which sky and sea became unity, only broken by the whales ...
Iceland Portfolio
Finally! I have been working on my portfolio of pictures from my summer trip to iceland int the last months. And now it is ready to be shared. I cannot remember being on a trip that was as fruitful as this one. Photographically as well as from adventure experience point fo view. Enjoy!
Transition 5
Fantastic morning shoot! At first there was nothing than thick fog. And then the fog slowly started to get thinner and thinner. At the horizon a somthing was taking its shape. First it was just something. Then it became a slidly yellow color dot. Finally a group of trees with fresh spring leaves appeared. Transition at its best!
Transition 4
A line of trees waking up from hibernation earlier than all the others around them. What else could be a better landscape composition of transition....
Transition 3
Grey sky, grey trees, grey everything. But in the distance I saw these white and green color dots. Ambassadors of spring bringing  birches  to live. The magic of transition!
Transition 2
A glorious  early spring day, a family walk, and a camera in your hand. Sometimes it does not need more than this. The corn stubbles from last autumn made the perfect color contrast with the white fresh snow and the clear blue sky- and their pattern reminded somehow on a ski slope. Hand held shot - done. Here it is: Transition 2.
Transition 1
Today I want to start my latest series that I have called "Transition". This year the winter seemed to last forever. And this is why the wonderful transition phase from winter to spring was exceptionally long as well. Tons of oppotunities to shoot! My first picture is taken under very special conditions when Sahara dust was in the air to such an amount  that the world turned completly yellow. During shooting it seemed to rain dirt and I was covered with mud all over...
Winter at home 5
This one was the first one in the winter season. I had been checking the wheather forcast for weeks becoming more and more impatient to see the first snow. And then suddenly everything was straight forward: forecast says snow over night - it's weekend - getting out to my closest shooting location - finding this tree with its amazing colors from orange leafes, green bark, white fresh snow - setting up the tripod - shooting - going home - developing - enjoying the outcome - photography can be that easy ;-)
Winter at home 4
Wintertime is the time when you can shoot all day long, even at bright sunlight. This picture is taken around lunch time. The low sun created an amazing atmosphere when breaking through the frosty trees.....
Winter at home 3
This is a picture I took on one of our family sledging trips. After 2 hours of permanently hilling up and down  and taking pictures of excited and screaming kids I started looking around for some winter expressions I found these trees covered with ice and snow and slightly touched by the sunlight. Just so beautiful!
Winter at home 2
Often it is the unexpected that catches your eye. I was walking along a small creek, looking for an icy winter scene with water. But it was the barkless tree half covered with snow that attracted me. Its red brownish color in perfect contrats to the red white snow was sticking out of the environment. Hope you like it as much as I do ;-)
Winter at home 1
This picture is a handheld shot at 200 mm. I took it on my way back after a long, more or less unsuccessful winter-morning-shoot near my hometown. Out of my car those trees in the distance caught my attention because of their abstract pattern of uniform horizontal branches that seemed to be perfectly enhanced by the fresh snow covering them. I stopped and took a quick shot, which turned out to be THE shot of the morning ... Never hesitate to go for snapshots!
Blue With Antennae exhibited!
Currently hanging around near Middleburry VT US? ;-) Don't miss the chance to visit the exhibition "Botanical" in the PhotoPlace[GALLERY] to see a print of my selected picture Blue with Antennae!
And ... from tomorrow on I will share a series of my latest winter landscape pics! Stay tuned!
Happy New Year !
As a start of the year I completed my portfolio with some pcitures from 2020. norwayscapes are now complete and two more images added to the fieldscapes and treescapes. Enjoy!

December the 24th - Merry Christmas Everybody !
For Christmas I decided to do a re-post of one of my personal favorites: "Tinsel Birch". This one was lucky enough to be picked for the trees exhibition earlier this year. I like it so much, because it delivers exactly that frosty feeling that I had when shooting at this lovely winter morning, very close to the place where Iive. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Merry Christmas to all of you! May the next year allow for great photo-shoots again. And keep your mood up! We all can turn it to the better!
December the 23rd
And here comes Norway again. This was  my first sunset shoot in Rondane NP. You cannot imagine for how long I was walking left and right and back and forth along this lakeside to find a composition. No matter where I turned to, the picture just did not reflect the overwhelming feeling I had about the landscape. Finally I decided to put the peak centrally and just when I made this decision and had set my tripod up, the sun broke through and painted this wonderful golden light at the hill...
December the 22nd
Wouldn't this one give a nicely different christmas tree? Any decoration obsolete!
December the 21st
An overnight hiking trip into the heart of the amazing Hardanger Vidda, Norway. We setup our tents at late afternoon at a beautiful lakeside. And then, after having a rather uncomfortable dinner with our mosquito friends, the light became just magic. It was literally floating through the clouds and turned the whole landscape into a soft blue-pinkish scene... The view compensated for every single mosquito bite ;-)
December the 20th
A rainy day. Perfect conditions for woodland photography. But what to shoot? I was driving towards a small lake in the Spreewald. On my way this monoculture pine trees forest attracted me. So I stopped and started to walk around looking for a composition. I was already dripping wet, when I spotted a number of birches with beautiful golden leafs. But it was still very difficult to pick one and it took me another half hour until I found the right spot for the shoot ... This is the advantage of cloudy rainy days. The light doesn't change to much, so you do not have to hurry to compose.
December the 19th
Another spectacular view of Dovrefjell NP during one of our hiking trips in Norway this summer. The combination of snowfields, the green summer grass, storm clouds and the sun breaking through are making it so dramatic. And this is how we experienced it: dramatically beautiful.
December the 18th - I HAVE BEEN SELECTED AGAIN !!!
Being selected for the exhibition "Botanical" by the juror Lee Anne White makes me unbelievably proud. And I am getting even more proud when I see my picture amongst the really amazing ones from the other artists! They are so fabulous. Thanks to PhotoPlace[GALLERY] for having me in their exhibition again! The print can be seen in the gallery in Middlebury VT in February 2021.
And here it is ...

December the 17th
Almost midnight at Rondane NP in Norway. I was coming back from my long evening photo session looking forward to a beer in our campervan. And I knew that I have had a wonderful picture in my camera which I will show later on in this series. But when I arrived at the camper and looked back, this glorious nightly color explosion of light green lichen and dark and light orange moss complemented by the almost purple sky reflected in the lake made me packing out my gear again and shooting the scene.
December the 16th
Here comes Norway again. The highlands of Dovrefjell. Those horses fitted wonderfully to the rugged landscape. And they did me the favor to stay calm and let me come close to take this wonderful portrait of them. Only 30 minutes further we were lucky enough to spot musk oxes for the 2nd time this day. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) they were by far not as close as the horses ;-)
December the 15th
Today's picture is of one of my this years "autumn morning shoots". Leaf colors were not at their peak yet, but the weather forecast promised some fog. I was wandering through the forest looking for some mystic foggy tree composition... just couldn't find one for an hour or so. Then I decided to stop searching for something specific and shoot what simply catches my eyes. This is the outcome and I really like it. Do you?
December the 14th
Another one from our Tromsö trip last year. Sorry no story :-). Just a nice picture taken at one of our daily roundtrips. Just can remember that the family in the car was getting somewhat impatient because the shooting was taking to long ;-)
December the 13th
Small and insignificant. This how you feel when you hike in Jotunheimen. And your eyes do not know where to stop (nor did my camera stop taking pictures ;-). And the best of all: you only meet people once in a while always having a small talk about the wheather and the path and distance to come. We got dripping wet a couple of times, and it was not always easy to keep the kids motivated. Fortunately we spotted wild reindeers which lightened our mude and helped the kids to keep going looking for more ...
December the 12th
Dragon eggs. This is how the bizzar ice sculptures are called that appear when in cold conditions, high tide is changing with low tide and the ice breaks up above little hills of sea grass. My friend and I were spotting these dragon eggs in the afternoon when we arrived at this wonderful fjord near Tromsö. At the same evening we were lucky enough to have the scene illuminted by this wonderful aurora. And believe me, if you see the northern lights for the first time in your life, your are blown away. And so were we, jumping from the dinner table like crazy and rushing down to the fjord . We did not care about the freshly cooked dinner getting cold nor did we feel the freezing temperatures when shooting this composition for 3 hours ... Want to come back!
December the 11th
Today I am taking you back to summer 2019 and one to of the most photogenic places I have visited so far: Tjurpannan in southern Sweden. I visted this place for 4 evenings in a row. Everytime finding different conditions. At the night this picture was taken, the rare circumstances of no wind and very attractive rain clouds came together, revealing these wonderful colors in sky, rock and water. It looks kind of artificial, but that is exactly how it felt to me ...
December the 10th
After a 10 hour hike (so proud of the kids!) crossing the wonderful Rondane NP from east to west. The vista was absolutely superior. I urged myself to went for another short walk to shoot sunset. Dissapointingly the sky was blue without any clouds and the sunset itself didn't bring a lot fo color. I was almost about to pack up and return, when these wonderful stones in a waterfall catched my interest. I was waiting a little more until the sun finally disappeared and the water took this slight blue hour look, which harmonized so well with the golden stones....
December the 9th
Jotunheimen NP. A great 2-day hike over rugged terrain. Waste and beautiful. What this picture isn't reflecting: I was dripping wet from one of the heavy showers that accompanied us throughout the hike. Luckily we were warmed up and dried by the sun breaking through between the showers. At these periods it enlightend the mountain scenes and revealed great vistas just like this one...
December the 8th
This is from one of our "pandemic breaks" this year, when we have been lucky enough to break out from the lockdown and visit a nice place somewhere else. It was just the right period and place to shoot the blooming fields in all their glory. The blue larkspur for me perfectly contrasts the green goldish barley...
December the 7th
Third picture from the Norway series. A beautiful valley in the Rondane NP. We did the hike because it is famous for musk ox sightings. And we were lucky! Just a few minutes further down the valley we spotted 3 musk ox. Whenever I look at this picture, it feels like there will be a musk ox just waiting around the next corner...
December the 6th
One year ago I was shooting frozen trees at an orchard near my home in the very early morning. And suddenly, out of the fog these to Santas appeared with their horses. Happy St Nicholas' Day to everybody!
December the 5th
Sometimes a scene is just hitting you rather accidently and something tells you: this could be worth a shot ... And so it was with this one. My first handheld try convinced me that this a nice composition. I took out my tripod, let the whole family and friends, who joined me during this forest hike, go ahead and had to sweatingly catch up later on. But it was definitly worth it!
December the 4th
2nd picture out of my this years Norway series. For me this is representig my impressions of northern Rondana NP most perfectly! Wide green landscape, cloudy sky, rugged valleys, a bit of snow and just a spot of sunlight ... Outdoor dreams come true!
December the 3rd
Peak autumn, early morning in the mystic Spreewald. So enjoyable!
December the 2nd
2nd picture and the first one out of my "Norwayscapes" series. After a 4 hour dayhike, I decided to repeat the hike for sunset photoshoot at this wondful spot at Rondane NP. When arriving at location the sky was just grey and the whole scene was looking disappointingly flat. But after 1.5 hours of jointly waiting with my moskito friends, the sun broke through, painting the moss and the hills with those wonderful golden colors. More to come...
December the 1st
First out of 24 pictures I want to share with you till christmas. This is an abstract I was striving for 4 evenings in row at my visit to the wadden sea this year. Finally it all came togther: perfect patterns, perfect light and a bit of sea grass ... Hope you like it!
NEW website layout ...
Wanted to give my site a new look. Hope you like it! Advents time calendar with my best of 2020 pictures coming up.
Tinsel Birch exhibited ...
Covid-19 forced the PhotoPlace [Gallery] to postpone the exhibition of the "trees" collection, jurored by artist Wendi Schneider. But now its open and selected picture of mine "Tinsel Birch" is exhibited as well (Still so proud ;-)). Visit the installation gallery!
Covid-19 help ...
I recently spent some time going through my pix of the last 6 months which are mostly trees and woodland inspired. Most of the photographs are taken in or quite close to my hometown. This is the area I am still able to visit during the Covid-19 lockdown. I created a special section with the ones I love most. Find them here: localtreescapes.
I did not get into selling any of my work yet. But I would like to give it a chance to help the ones in need: You can order the picture below via americanfineart as a print (or any other of their artwork options). 100 % of my personal earnings will go to UNICEF.
Interested? HELP here!
Like to order any of my other images instead? Let me know...
Bit off scope ...
Product photography is not the thing I usually do. But I was happy to support when my niece was asking to take a kids pics series for the launch of a new product of SPACEPRODUCTS ®, a company she is working for. The SPACEWALLY. Check their Website to see my pics and by one!
I've been selected!!!
Beginning of 2020 I decided to give it a chance. And bam ... succeeded right at the first try: I cannot tell you how proud I am being selected for the gallery exhibition "Trees" at PhotoPlace [Gallery] Middlebury VT US. Competition was jurored by artist Wendi Schneider. She selected one of my latest pics "Tinsel-Birch" to be one of 38 exhibited works...
You are near Middlebury from 20/04/02 - 20/04/25? - Visit the "Trees" Exhibition!
t i n s e l  b i r c h Kornwestheim Germany, winter 2020
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